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....sick seedlings or variegated seedlings???
In March, 2006, I planted seeds collected from Poncirus trifoliata trees in Turin, Italy. See Torino2006. These trees were old, and the fruit had been lying around for several months. A considerable number of the resulting seedlings were white or intermediate. Fungus on the seeds, or genetic defects?
Now we know that pure white seedlings always die from lack of chlorophyl, but what about intermediate seedlings? Do they survive, and if so do they always revert to normal plants or is this a way to obtain variegated varieties? Most variegated citrus seem to appear as 'sports' on branches of normal trees. I have read that variegated citrus can arise as seedlings, but does anyone have any documented proof of a stable variety from seed?
I've never fully understood the cause of 'white seedlings' in citrus. One reference book told me they were a genetic defect caused by a fungus on the seed, and treating the seeds with certain fungicides cures the problem. However, seedlings from variegated plants have a very high incidence of pure white seedlings. This presumably isn't caused by a fungus, but by the inherited genes.
I have for a long time wanted to obtain a variegated Poncirus. Could these seedlings be the answer? Should I feed them, nurture them or even talk to them, or is it a waste of time?
A hopeless case. Dying fast.
It's trying to turn green, but not much chance of surviving.
More speckled than variegated, generally only two colours present.
Could this be the one? Genuine variegation from different areas producing chlorophyll in the three leaf layers. Several resulting shades.
Comments welcome!

page created 6th May 2006
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