The remarkable double flower of Fleur de Nice, or Bouquetier de Nice à fleurs doubles.

This shows the first flower to be produced on my small plant, but no fruit was formed.
Other synonymes: à fleurs doubles, Bouquetier à fruits fétifères, Bouquetier de Nice à fruits plats, François 1er, Grand Bourbon, Grand Condé, Grand Connétable, Grand Louis.
Risso & Poiteau 1812:
'Bigaradier a feuilles de Saule'
(=Willow leaf Sour Orange).
My example of Granito, T-budded last year and now about 18" tall. Leaf size and shape varies, but is typically 4" to 5" long and up to 1" wide.
Named as a separate species by Risso and Poiteau in their 1812 'Histoire et Culture des Orangers', other botanists classify this as a lemon variety. Produces pear-shaped fruit up to 18cms long.
Original engraving from the Risso & Poiteau book
Fruit (7.5cms diameter) from the small plant in my greenhouse, November 2003.
Large fruit collected from INRA, Corsica.

page restored 18th October 2005