Most authorities now say Microcitrus and Eremocitrus have been officially re-classified as Citrus - the genus from which they were taxonomically separated many years ago. As this seems to be the current trend, I am gradually changing over the names on this website.
However, in some ways the old classification was useful. Most Australian native varieties do have 'micro' features, but to me another distinguishing aspect is the remarkable change in leaf shape from juvenile to mature plant. But the ability to interbreed or hybridize with true citrus, plus the existence of types with intermediate features, indicates to botanists that the separation is artificial. This is confirmed by genetic studies in laboratories.
These leaves are all from one plant of C. x virgata, and show the change from juvenile to mature leaf shape
A fingerlime (Citrus australasica) flower, sitting on one petal of an orange flower.
A comparison between a clementine leaf and a Citrus australasica leaf.
The name 'Microcitrus' was used with some justification!
Citrus australasica
Citrus australis
Citrus garrawayi
Citrus glauca
Citrus gracilis
Citrus inodora
Citrus warburgiana
Citrus wintersii
Citrus X virgata
Citrus wakonai
=Microcitrus australasica
=Finger Lime
=Microcitrus australis
= Round Lime
=Microcitrus garrawayi
= Mount White Lime
=Eremocitrus glauca
= Desert Lime
= Kakadu Lime
   or Humpty Doo Lime
=Microcitrus inodora
= Russer River Lime
   or Large Leaf Lime
=Microcitrus warburgiana
=Microcitrus papuana
=Microcitrus Xsydney
=Sydney Hybrid
Click the green buttons below for further information on ten different southern hemisphere species:

(recently discovered)
Take a look at a botanical drawing comparing the fruit of some of these.
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page re-designed 18Nov15